A poem on the Pandemic
Where cast, creed, gender, race, minority all have an equal voice.
And parents of young ones no longer fear the world they live in.
All good things take time.
Take one breathe at a time. Don’t rush this
Let the political rivalries reach their peak.
Let us continue to speak our minds.
Let us not belittle the strife.
Take one breathe at a time. Don’t rush this.
Let us mourn together the wounds of the past.
And welcome in a new world,
Where the donald trumps of the world don’t win (triumph) again.
Take one breathe at a time. Let’s not rush this.
Where animals, plants, and humans beings are all treated with respect.
And humans don't have to destroy each other for attention, money, or power.
Let our true spirits rise.
Take one breathe at a time. Let’s not rush this.
Even if 20 turns to 21 and the months go by.
Can we make it to our homes?
And continue to respect each others' boundaries and protect ourselves from harm’s way?
Take one breathe at a time. Let’s not rush this.
It’s a load to expect what may come as the worst.
Bodies laid out across the finish line one by one.
Have we not survived this before?
Take one breathe at a time. Let’s not rush this.
Wrote this for a talk show during the Pandemic crisis. Would love your comments, feedback, and suggestions. © 18 days ago coronavirus • family • death • society • racism • fear

Beautiful !
This poem is full of divine grace and human sensitivity. It touches the heart and soul. Love